Conservation Planning
Sapphos Environmental, Inc. has successfully prepared numerous Habitat Conservation Plans and participated in coordination with federal and state resource agencies in support of Section 10(a)(1)(B) take permits to facilitate environmental entitlements for a variety of capital improvement projects, including the Hyundai Automotive Test Course Project in Kern County, the Specific Plan for the Development of State Surplus Property and Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the Merged Chino Redevelopment Area in San Bernardino County, and the Los Angeles World Airports Master Plan. Sapphos Environmental, Inc. has also been involved in various aspects of habitat conservation planning, including safe harbor agreements, conservation agreements, implementation and coordination of biological monitoring programs, and public educ ation and outreach. Early conservation measures help maintain healthy ecosystems—valuable green space that states and counties are increasingly seeking to protect, while providing for new residents and businesses.
Conservation Planning Services
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GIS provides a geography-based, spatial approach to problem solving and thinking about environmental and planning issues. GIS has the capability of integrating knowledge from multiple sources and creating a collaborative environment for decision makers and stakeholders. In addition, GIS is attractive to most people who encounter it because it is both intuitive and cognitive. It combines a powerful visualization environment with a strong analytic and modeling framework rooted in the science of geography. Sapphos Environmental, Inc. GIS specialists combine scientific and technical expertise with knowledge of federal, state, and local policy regulations to generate accurate solutions for various environmental projects. The firm uses GIS as an analytical tool to assess how complex environmental factors interact and relate to a project’s physical location, which is important for determining baseline conditions, project feasibility, and potential impacts.
Sapphos Environmental, Inc. is highly experienced in utilizing ESRI-based GIS software, including ArcGIS and associated extensions such as Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst. Using a combination of ArcGIS Model Builder and Python to create scripts allows Sapphos Environmental, Inc. to make workflows efficient. In addition to GIS, Sapphos Environmental, Inc. has professional graphics and design capability utilizing Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. Integrating GIS expertise with graphic capabilities enables Sapphos Environmental, Inc. to create publication quality and accurate maps, data, and graphics for all work products.
GIS Services
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